

On 24 June 2020, SAZKA Group a.s. and Emma Delta Hellenic Holdings Ltd. (both of them being ultimately controlled by VALEA FOUNDATION), entered into an agreement for the transfer of shares from Emma Delta Hellenic Holdings Ltd. to SAZKA Group a.s., which did not result in a change to the total number of shares and voting rights in OPAP S.A. indirectly controlled by VALEA Foundation and the entities controlled by, and acting in concert with, VALEA FOUNDATION.

Moreover, it is noted that, as of 26 June 2020, VALEA FOUNDATION and the other entities referred to below indirectly control, based on their concerted action, in total 41.97% of the total share capital and voting rights in OPAP S.A.:

Valea Holding AG
KKCG Holding AG
SAZKA Group a.s.
Emma Delta Management Ltd.
Emma Delta Variable Capital Investment Company Ltd
Emma Delta Hellenic Holdings Ltd.

About SAZKA Group

SAZKA Group is one of the largest pan-European lottery operators. Its businesses run lotteries in all the major continental European countries where lotteries are privately operated, including the Czech Republic, Greece, Austria, Italy, and Cyprus. Its businesses focus on the lottery segment, including numerical lotteries (draw-based games) and instant lotteries (scratch cards), while also providing complementary products in sports-betting and digital-only games. They sell their products both through extensive retail networks and digital platforms. All its lottery operators are members of the World Lottery Association and the European Lottery Association and operate in accordance with their codes of practice.

Investor and media enquiries

Radek Nemecek

+420 727 982 885

[email protected]